The Biggest Story in Sports Right Now?

There is a sporting story currently unfolding in the poker world that is so dramatic and monumental that it feels deserving of mainstream attention. In the early 2000s, the “ poker boom ” swept North America and much of the world. Poker – both live and online – exploded with the online player pool doubling every year and the World Series of Poker Main Event entrants rising from 839 in 2003 to 8,773 in 2006. Phil Galfond rode this wave and became one of the early online poker superstars. With deep roots in the poker community, Galfond is a long time and highly respected member of poker forum 2+2 , and his original poker ‘crew’ included poker legend Tom ‘durrrr’ Dwan . A philosophy major in college, Galfond was making about $150/hr playing sit-n-gos in his junior year. After switching to cash games , Galfond’s average hourly rate increased to somewhere between $400 and $500, and it didn’t take long for Galfond to climb the ladder and start beating the highest stakes cash games...